« Up To Flux marché communication Nouvelle-Aquitaine Gironde Bordeaux »



« Up To Flux conseil communication relations presse publics out communique Nouvelle-Aquitaine Gironde Bordeaux »


At Up To Flux we started from the premise/idea that everything communicates! An object, a color, an attitude, a sound, a style, a discussion and even a good timing …

Communicating is an action that involves being in touch with others, exposing, positioning, transmitting and exchanging. Communication is a natural and unavoidable act.

Communication is also a business sector and it is not without reason. It represents a set of very studied interactions, in constant evolution and including many stakes.

Today, in France, it weighs an investment equal to 33.81 billion euros.

Communication professionals have developed theories, concepts, skills, methods, techniques, technologies, media and organizations that enable communication. They use a large number of written, visual or sound media, use creative and artistic resources, and the general media to communicate.

The media are for the main ones, the press, the radio, the tv, the cinema and to which it has been added, the Internet and new supports, like the sites, the search engines, the applications, the blogs, the social networks and their vectors, computers, tablets and smartphones.

Communicating is, finally, a means of setting objectives or achieving them according to one’s strategy and level of reflexion. For a company, for anyone, communicating is strategic and, reflexive and politicized, a real lever for economic performance. He participates in the creation of values ​​and all growth.

At Up To Flux, all communication will be done with the objective of results.

En 2019, en France, le marché de la communication représente 33,81 milliards d’

Source : BUMP 2019 (Baromètre unifié du marché publicitaire) – France Pub, IREP, Kantar Média

Classement des investissements en communication par secteur en 2019, en France

Source : BUMP 2019 (Baromètre unifié du marché publicitaire) – France Pub, IREP, Kantar Média

Classement des plus gros investissements par média 2019 vs 2018 – en %

Source : BUMP 2019 (Baromètre unifié du marché publicitaire) – France Pub, IREP, Kantar Média

Classement des plus gros investissements par marché de la communication en 2019

Source : BUMP 2019 (Baromètre unifié du marché publicitaire) – France Pub, IREP, Kantar Média


« Compétences professionnelles Up To Flux conseil communication relations presse publics Lobbying Conception réalisation campagnes communication d’influence organisation d’événements internes et externes Nouvelle-Aquitaine Gironde Bordeaux »


Communicate with whom? How? And for what purpose? These are the questions to which public relations respond.

Weaving a relationship to another is the most important concept in communication. It is indeed able to position, transmit and exchange, share and build links.

So what do we mean by public? In reality, the public entity is extremely broad and differs according to the activity and the needs of each company or brand, evolving also in the course of its policy, its strategy, its projects and its ideas. Any company that communicates carries out public relations, if only in the first place, with its customers.

The different publics are: stockholders, administrations, associations, customers, consumers, distributors, elected officials, suppliers, groups of people (networks, clubs, communities, unions …), influencers, journalists, opinion leaders, lobbyists, NGOs, partners, public authorities, prescribers, employees …

For any public relations action, it is necessary to map the audience and to determine a strategy with the aim of creating links and a two-way relationship. Communicating, digitizing, participating or organizing events are the means. In short, public relations means communicating according to targets in order to build meaningful relationships (based on understanding or trust), build one’s reputation and enhance one’s image.

At Up To Flux, press relations are not included in public relations because, not only journalists practice a profession subject to ethical rules but in addition, which is based on fundamental freedoms: freedom of the press, freedom of the press opinion and freedom of expression.
At Up to Flux, we do not seek to influence journalists but we inform them, while providing them with convincing arguments. In addition, at Up To Flux, press relations are not called media relations because the press is a separate media.

Les médias les plus efficaces pour les Français en 2019

9 Français sur 10 jugent les médias utiles dans leur parcours d’achat

  • En moyenne, les Français jugent l’éditorial (articles de presse print ou en ligne, émissions TV ou radio) plus utile que la publicité dans leur parcours d’achat (56 vs 49%)
  • La TV, puis l’affichage sont les médias qui dominent le marché de la consommation pour découvrir, connaître et acheter une marque
  • La presse est le média le plus fort auprès des consommateurs pour la découverte de promotions et l’attachement aux marques
  • La radio est le média le plus fort en ce qui concerne la découverte de promotions
  • En ce qui concerne la communication digitale, si la performance du search (liens et suggestions proposés sur Internet) est concentrée sur la presse, la publicité est, elle, en retrait sur l’ensemble des étapes du parcours consommateur en termes d’utilité perçue par les Français

Etude Media Impact – CSA Research – 2019

Les Français souhaitent que les publicités soient :

  • Plus efficaces (86%)
  • Plus ancrées dans le réel (84%)
  • Plus transparentes et honnêtes (84%)

Etude Media Impact – CSA Research – 2019


« Up To Flux compétence professionnelle relations presse Conseil rédaction dossiers communiqués dépêches rp Ciblage Diffusion information Contact journalistes Organisation interviews conférences presse événements presse voyage déjeuner visite Media training Nouvelle-Aquitaine Gironde Bordeaux »


Press relations are part of any communication strategy and its functions have never changed … The aim is – and has always been – to transmit information to journalists, as a source.
Press relations require a sense of contact, a perfect knowledge of the press – whether written, radio, tv or online – and know-how to prepare the information. Indeed, the information transmitted to journalists must be identifiable, admissible, reliable and conclusive.

Today, what is different in press relations is the means we have to contact the press, its journalists. In the past, it was necessary to build an address book or consult names in mastheads, to transmit information orally or by post, by fax. Today, new technologies offer global databases, updated in real time, which also make it possible to delivery information in droves. Contact a journalist has become easier! That said, contacting a journalist has also become a less personal, much more systematic and sometimes completely insane act! So be careful … Professionalize your press relations makes it possible to make no mistake about target, subject or content because the means and time available to journalists have also evolved. They use blacklists – which, according to their testimony, are well filled.

So what has changed? What has changed especially is the press! Because the press multiplied its channels of diffusion. It offers its content on the latest of the greatest media ever invented: the Internet, which some of its vital organs have themselves become media: the computer, tablet and mobile. And this, through networks and social media, sites, blogs and search engines. To accompany these “media” evolutions, the press relations must simply be also visual, thanks to photos, videos, or infographics (information by the image). Finally, to accompany these evolutions, it is also to take into account the experience of reading, listening and look instilled to the public by adding to the pure information of the conceptual elements, textual, visual or audiovisual, which make it possible to trigger the pleasure, the memory and so, to retain his audience.

Last point… If reporters are influencers, influencers are not reporters.

Classement mondial de la liberté de la presse 2020 :

N° 1 : Norvège

N° 34 : France

N° 180 : Corée du Nord

« Marché communication classement liberté presse pays Nouvelle-Aquitaine Gironde Bordeaux »

Source : Reporters sans frontières

Classement Audience One Global 2021 v.1 :

RangMarqueBrand Print OrdinateurMobileTablette
1PQR6643 352 00031 065 00010 965 00027 522 0007 024 000
2Le Figaro26 764 0007 563 0008 762 00017 909 0003 128 000
3Télé Loisirs23 755 0005 280 0004 964 00016 626 0003 756 000
4PHR23 751 00011 669 0003 281 00013 571 0002 319 000
5Le Parisien Aujourd’hui en France23 577 0008 560 0004 585 00015 423 0002 690 000
6Ouest France23 156 0005 724 0005 219 00016 219 0003 345 000
7Le Monde22 928 0009 608 0005 057 00014 293 000 2 863 000
820 Minutes22 751 0008 612 0004 199 00014 302 0002 618 000
9Femmes Actuelles20 862 0009 890 0003 880 00010 336 0002 766 000
10Marmiton18 767 0004 427 0004 069 00011 233 0003 494 000

Source : (ACPM) L’Alliance pour les Chiffres de la Presse et des Médias

Les annonceurs investissent toujours dans la presse en 2019 :

  • 2 072 000 000 € ont été investis dans la presse écrite
  • 3 402 000 000 € dans le média TV
  • 714 000 000 € dans le média Radio

Source : BUMP 2019 (Baromètre unifié du marché publicitaire) – France Pub, IREP, Kantar Média

Les bénéfices des relations presse :

  • 38% des marketeurs pensent que les agences de relations presse permettent d’améliorer la notoriété d’une marque
  • 36% sont convaincus que c’est aussi un bon levier pour toucher des influenceurs

Source : Le baromètre 2018 du marketing B2B du Club des directeurs marketing et communication de l’IT

“La peur des fake news s’accompagne du retour en grâce des médias professionnels” :

Alors que seulement 33% des Français déclarent avoir confiance dans les médias, on note que les médias traditionnels et les pure players enregistrent une très forte progression passant respectivement de 46% à 61% et de 39% à 52%. En complément, le baromètre démontre une prime au professionnalisme et à la voix du sachant. Les journalistes voient leur côte de confiance grimper significativement, gagnant 11 points de confiance (de 16% en 2017 à 27% en 2018).

L’effet de balancement de cette forte hausse est la faible baisse dans la confiance en les réseaux sociaux (qui recule d’un point), tout comme celle accordée aux moteurs de recherche, qui recule de 5 points pour atteindre 54% en 2018.

Source : TRUST BAROMETER – Edelman 2018